Cointopay POS




With the brand new Point of Sale (POS) Android app from, you can accept orders and receive crypto currency payments behind the counter from your customers.You can import your entire product catalog from a csv file and start straight away. The design is simple and lets you do what you do best, interacting with the customer and making direct sales in your line of business.The app automatically checks the status of the payments for all supported crypto currencies that you have enabled and you get informed on the payment status.This POS app is fully compatible with the Cointopay wallet app; this means that customers that have the Cointopay wallet installed can make instant payments, without a single wait time, via the Thunderstrike ZeroTM protocol developed by Cointopay.Feature list besides a simple interface includes:+ Free and easy to use app for Android tablets and phones, so no need to buy new hardware+ Import / Export your existing inventory via CSV+ Import from an existing Shopify shop (json file format)+ Add / Update / Remove products+ Includes stock management+ Includes SKU / QR / Barcode convenience for the ultimate POS experience+ User management (employees)+ Continue taking orders while waiting for crypto payments to arrive (native blockchains)+ Accept instant payments via ThunderStrike Zero protocol (no wait time - Cointopay blockchain)+ Lookup and send receipts by email+ Full compatibility with all features of Cointopay wallet (send/receive, payout clearing and currency conversions)+ Support for all supported crypto currenciesCointopay stands at the forefront of innovation and is a major contributor to crypto currency acceptance worldwide. With this app we prove once again to be a first mover and stimulator for the market to follow in this next step towards mainstream global acceptance of crypto currencies.